Thursday 15 December 2016


Mordremoth is the Elder Dragon of plant and mind, and is often referred to as the Jungle Dragon. It is the most recent of the Elder Dragons to awaken in the world of Tyria. The common Tyrian did not know about Mordremoth's existence until 1327 AE, when its corruption and minions, the mordrem, began to spread across Central Tyria from the ley line networks underground. Its existence was common knowledge, however, to the Durmand Priory, Inquest, and Pact, among other more learned individuals.

Mordremoth's minions, the mordrem, are unlike most other Elder Dragon minions as they are primarily grown from Blighting Trees rather than being corrupted beings—some, however, do appear to be corrupted plant-life, and others are animal corpses that appear to be made puppets for mordrem plants. The sylvari originate from the Jungle Dragon as well, as the Pale Tree is a purified Blighting Tree—how it became purified remains unknown. Mordremoth is capable of accessing the Dream of Dreams, though does not appear to be the source of it as both the Dream and the Nightmare act as barriers against Mordremoth. This barrier is imperfect, however, as Wyld Hunts and Dark Hunts allow Mordremoth's influence to seep through to implant thoughts into sylvari. Through this, Mordremoth is capable of convincing weak-willed sylvari—who cannot separate their own thoughts from those it implanted—to serve it, and they become Mordrem Guard.

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