Thursday 15 December 2016


Glint, once known as Glaust, was a champion of the Elder Dragon Kralkatorrik. She was, until recently, a friend to all living things. When the Dragons last awoke, the Forgotten discovered and performed a great spell at the Altar of Glaust intended to purify her. Glint remained in crystalline form, but she regained her free will. She remained loyal to Kralkatorrik, however, until she heard his thoughts and the thoughts of those she killed. She then concealed many of the elder races from the Elder Dragons until they went to sleep and it was safe for the races to reemerge. It was presumably around this time that a group of grateful dwarves formed the Brotherhood of the Dragon, an organization that served as the keepers of her heritage. They forged an alliance with her, and let her into their minds.

In the time when the Elder Dragons slept, Glint secretly worked to prepare for her former master's eventual return by collecting his crystallized blood and retaining a spear made from his spine. In approximately 272 AE, she compiled the Flameseeker Prophecies, foretelling the defeat of Vizier Khilbron and the fall of the titan and mursaat. In 1072 AE, this came to pass, and it was Glint who guided the Ascendant heroes who were the prophecies' subjects to their destiny. After the Transformation of the Dwarves, Glint's guardianship was passed down to a secretive group of Canthans and Elonians who would later become known as the Zephyrites.

In 1320 AE, Kralkatorrik awoke once more, seeking out Glint for her betrayal. He hunted her down and killed her, and even Destiny's Edge could not protect her, losing Snaff in the attempt. After her death, the Zephyrites sought out her corpse in order to ensure that the draconic energy stored within her body would not fall into the wrong hands. They found that with magic from her body, they were able to harness the power of the Aspects of Sun, Wind, and Lightning. Using these Aspects, they built a magnificent Zephyr Sanctum, and with it they roam the world in peace.

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