Deep Sea Dragon (Unnamed Dragon)
The currently unnamed Elder Dragon is the sixth and only Elder Dragon to not be named or have its influence shown. The Durmand Priory believe its name begins with an S, however the old texts that list the Elder Dragons' names were damaged when naming this dragon, and translation is subjective due to its age. The deep sea dragon is said to have woken in the deepest location of the seas, though where this would be remains unknown.
This particular Elder Dragon does not have a major known influence on the world of Tyria, and no direct influence on the continent of Tyria, which accounts for the lack of information regarding the subject. However, the deep sea dragon is known to be somewhere in the Unending Ocean. The first known influence of the deep sea dragon is roughly around 1275 AE, when it forced the krait out of the Unending Ocean's deepest trenches, which in turn forced the southern quaggans out of their home in the ocean depths, among other creatures. Though according to Bullablopp, some southern quaggan were not forced out by the krait but by dragons. Furthermore, the karka are said to have "avoided Orr for the same reasons they fled their home" in the Unending Ocean's depths.
The only known shape of the deep sea dragon's corruption comes from The Movement of the World, claiming that it twists water into tentacled horrors; some quaggan and largos also make mention of horrors belonging in the ocean's depths now as well, though the nature of these "horrors" is unclear. The Movement of the World also says that through its powers, it has been creating servants from every lake and river around its location.
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