Thursday 15 December 2016

Elder Dragons

The Elder Dragons are ancient, powerful beings of unknown origins. They keep the magic balanced by consuming it and drawing it into themselves; though indications show that this isn't their goal or intention, but rather a side-effect of how they function. Every several thousand years (roughly 10,000 years according to the Durmand Priory), the dragons wake and consume everything in the world, thereby reducing the world to a low level of magic, before going back to sleep. Then the magic they have consumed bleeds out into the world, harmless unlike when they're awake, only for the dragons to eventually awaken once more and the cycle to begin again.

Deep Sea Dragon (Unnamed Dragon)

The currently unnamed Elder Dragon is the sixth and only Elder Dragon to not be named or have its influence shown. The Durmand Priory believe its name begins with an S, however the old texts that list the Elder Dragons' names were damaged when naming this dragon, and translation is subjective due to its age. The deep sea dragon is said to have woken in the deepest location of the seas, though where this would be remains unknown.

This particular Elder Dragon does not have a major known influence on the world of Tyria, and no direct influence on the continent of Tyria, which accounts for the lack of information regarding the subject. However, the deep sea dragon is known to be somewhere in the Unending Ocean. The first known influence of the deep sea dragon is roughly around 1275 AE, when it forced the krait out of the Unending Ocean's deepest trenches, which in turn forced the southern quaggans out of their home in the ocean depths, among other creatures. Though according to Bullablopp, some southern quaggan were not forced out by the krait but by dragons. Furthermore, the karka are said to have "avoided Orr for the same reasons they fled their home" in the Unending Ocean's depths.

The only known shape of the deep sea dragon's corruption comes from The Movement of the World, claiming that it twists water into tentacled horrors; some quaggan and largos also make mention of horrors belonging in the ocean's depths now as well, though the nature of these "horrors" is unclear. The Movement of the World also says that through its powers, it has been creating servants from every lake and river around its location.


Primordus was the first of the Elder Dragons to awaken in Tyria. Primordus' original resting place was in a cavern deep underground, where it was assumed by the asura to simply be a statue emitting a high amount of magical energy. For this reason, they built the Central Transfer Chamber near the dragon. Primordus was initially supposed to awaken in 1078 AE, but upon the defeat of its most powerful general, the Great Destroyer, its awakening was delayed by two generations, until 1120 AE. After its rise, the other Elder Dragons began to stir, one by one.

After its awakening, its minions, the destroyers, flooded the Depths of Tyria, crushing any hopes the asura had of returning to their natural home. Around the time of Primordus' full awakening, the last of the dwarves had undergone the Rite of the Great Dwarf and they all went underground to combat Primordus and the destroyers. Those that remain are said to stand watch at entrances to the Depths, ensuring that Primordus' minions never reach the surface, nonetheless Ogden Stonehealer is the only dwarf who is known to the surface world. However, in recent years destroyers have been appearing closer and through the surface in increasing rates.


Jormag is the Elder Ice Dragon who lives in the northern reaches of the Shiverpeak Mountains. As early as 1078 AE Jormag was influencing Tyria. Through its champion Drakkar, it whispered promises of power to Svanir and turned him into yet another of its champions, the Nornbear; this was the first of Jormag's champions to be identified as such. Jormag also robbed Svanir's sister, Jora, of her ability to Become the Bear. Since Svanir, there has been a cult of norn known as the Sons of Svanir, who worship Jormag as the strongest Spirit of the Wild, referring to it simply as Dragon. Over the years, Jormag drew on their powers and hastened its own awakening.

Jormag awoke in the lands beyond the Far Shiverpeaks in 1165 AE and moved south, causing the kodan to flee the icy seas and battling the norn inhabitants there. The dragon's rise caused earthquakes that cracked and shattered the northernmost lands, allowing the icy northern ocean to flood through and create new, inland seas. This new inland sea is now inhabited by some refugee kodan Sanctuaries which fled south as they were harried by the Claws of Jormag, while Jormag capsized and tore apart many other of the kodan's iceberg cities in the northern ocean.


Glint, once known as Glaust, was a champion of the Elder Dragon Kralkatorrik. She was, until recently, a friend to all living things. When the Dragons last awoke, the Forgotten discovered and performed a great spell at the Altar of Glaust intended to purify her. Glint remained in crystalline form, but she regained her free will. She remained loyal to Kralkatorrik, however, until she heard his thoughts and the thoughts of those she killed. She then concealed many of the elder races from the Elder Dragons until they went to sleep and it was safe for the races to reemerge. It was presumably around this time that a group of grateful dwarves formed the Brotherhood of the Dragon, an organization that served as the keepers of her heritage. They forged an alliance with her, and let her into their minds.

In the time when the Elder Dragons slept, Glint secretly worked to prepare for her former master's eventual return by collecting his crystallized blood and retaining a spear made from his spine. In approximately 272 AE, she compiled the Flameseeker Prophecies, foretelling the defeat of Vizier Khilbron and the fall of the titan and mursaat. In 1072 AE, this came to pass, and it was Glint who guided the Ascendant heroes who were the prophecies' subjects to their destiny. After the Transformation of the Dwarves, Glint's guardianship was passed down to a secretive group of Canthans and Elonians who would later become known as the Zephyrites.

In 1320 AE, Kralkatorrik awoke once more, seeking out Glint for her betrayal. He hunted her down and killed her, and even Destiny's Edge could not protect her, losing Snaff in the attempt. After her death, the Zephyrites sought out her corpse in order to ensure that the draconic energy stored within her body would not fall into the wrong hands. They found that with magic from her body, they were able to harness the power of the Aspects of Sun, Wind, and Lightning. Using these Aspects, they built a magnificent Zephyr Sanctum, and with it they roam the world in peace.


Kralkatorrik is the Elder Crystal Dragon. It is a thousand feet tall and its wingspan easily blocks out the sun, and is described as being about 20 times larger than Glint. It has the power to corrupt anything physical with its breath, turning them into branded. The dragon awoke in 1320 AE in Grothmar Wardowns within the Blood Legion Homelands, where it was once believed to be a mountain; then flew south over the charr territory of Ascalon, with the goal of hunting down its traitorous champion, Glint.

When Kralkatorrik flew, a terrible storm of black clouds and lightning was formed around its body. The lands that were touched by its golden breath during its flight turned black, now called the Dragonbrand; the plants, animals, and even elementals turned into branded - crystalline lifeforms, shadows of their former selves. When Kralkatorrik reached Glint's sanctuary, it fought with Destiny's Edge, and was nearly defeated. However, due to Logan Thackeray's sudden departure to save Queen Jennah at the Stronghold of Ebonhawke, which was assaulted by the newly formed branded at the time, Kralkatorrik was able to escape after killing Glint and Snaff.

Kralkatorrik was last seen in the northern Crystal Desert, and still has a presence in the area, though it is unknown where it fled after escaping Destiny's Edge. It is also one of the forces preventing movement into Elona for all except the Order of Whispers.

It is often referred to as both a hurricane and sandstorm. It has the ability to create and even become the latter.


Mordremoth is the Elder Dragon of plant and mind, and is often referred to as the Jungle Dragon. It is the most recent of the Elder Dragons to awaken in the world of Tyria. The common Tyrian did not know about Mordremoth's existence until 1327 AE, when its corruption and minions, the mordrem, began to spread across Central Tyria from the ley line networks underground. Its existence was common knowledge, however, to the Durmand Priory, Inquest, and Pact, among other more learned individuals.

Mordremoth's minions, the mordrem, are unlike most other Elder Dragon minions as they are primarily grown from Blighting Trees rather than being corrupted beings—some, however, do appear to be corrupted plant-life, and others are animal corpses that appear to be made puppets for mordrem plants. The sylvari originate from the Jungle Dragon as well, as the Pale Tree is a purified Blighting Tree—how it became purified remains unknown. Mordremoth is capable of accessing the Dream of Dreams, though does not appear to be the source of it as both the Dream and the Nightmare act as barriers against Mordremoth. This barrier is imperfect, however, as Wyld Hunts and Dark Hunts allow Mordremoth's influence to seep through to implant thoughts into sylvari. Through this, Mordremoth is capable of convincing weak-willed sylvari—who cannot separate their own thoughts from those it implanted—to serve it, and they become Mordrem Guard.


Zhaitan is the Elder Undead Dragon of Orr. The name is known to the races of Tyria primarily via dwarven legends. Zhaitan's spheres of influence are shadow and death.
 Zhaitan, like the other Elder Dragons, is thought to have last awakened 10,000 years ago, around the time of the disappearance of the Giganticus Lupicus, and then fallen back into slumber from consuming all life they could find. For more than a millennium, it rested beneath the land that would become the Kingdom of Orr. When the Six Human Gods revoked the gift of magic back into the Bloodstone to split it into the familiar four schools in 1 BE, they tapped into the dormant dragon's energy and increased the power of magic in doing so, not knowing of Zhaitan's existence.


Sohothin is a legendary sword wielded by the charr hero Rytlock Brimstone. Like its "sister", Magdaer, it is a powerful holy artifact of Orrian origin, given to Ascalonian royalty as a gift of peace. Its last human owner was Prince Rurik, who was killed near the Frost Gate, and whose reanimated corpse was forced to fight for Vizier Khilbron near Abaddon's Mouth. There, Rurik was finally laid to rest, and the volcano erupted soon after. How the sword came into the possession of Rytlock is unknown, though Logan Thackeray claims he looted it from Ascalon.

According to legend, if either this sword or its sister returns to the haunted remains of Ascalon City in the hands of the rightful king of Ascalon, the ghosts there will finally be laid to rest.

Braham Eirsson

He grew up not knowing who his mother was until his father died, leading him to have a form of resentment for her. After his father's death when Braham was seven, he lived at Rugnar's Steading with Yngvi Rugnar and Brynhildr the Mother Bear.

When the Molten Alliance attacked in early 1326 AE, Braham went to the Black Citadel for aid from Rytlock Brimstone for defending Cragstead, and when that failed went to Hoelbrak to seek aid from his mother and Knut Whitebear. Upon his return, Cragstead had fallen to the Molten Alliance, which he liberated with the aid of traveling adventurers, but could not save all the villagers - his love interest, Ottilia among them.

With the help of the charr gladium Rox and the Vigil, Braham raided several of the Molten Alliance's facilities, rescuing the prisoners and destroying the bases until the Molten Alliance were believed defeated. He then set out to rebuild Cragstead, turning it into a haven for the refugees who lost their homes in the attacks.


Taimi is an asura studying at the College of Synergetics. An apprentice of the renowned golemancer Zojja, Taimi requires the assistance of a golem named Scruffy to get around, owing to a degenerative disease that prevents her from walking long distances and may spread to other parts of her body as she gets older. Although there is no known cure, this progeny is quick to refuse any offer of pity.



Wednesday 7 December 2016

What is Jumping Puzzle?

Jumping puzzles are open world mini-dungeons with platforming elements that require the player to find the correct route to the end of the puzzle. The reward for solving the puzzle resets daily (per character) and is typically a Grand Chest, Splendid Chest, or Magnificent Chest. Completing a jumping puzzle will also reward the player with an achievement. Some common themes for the puzzles are environments matching the theme of the zone, veteran enemies guarding the end chest, other hidden chests, and false endings.


Tyria, also known as Central Tyria, is a continent in the world of the same name. The geography of the continent ranges from the dense jungles of the Maguuma, to high mountains of the Shiverpeaks, to forests of the Blood Legion Homelands and Ascalon, to the sandy Crystal Desert. Beneath the land stretch the interconnected caverns of the Depths of Tyria which hold ancient structures of unknown origins that date back to a time before humanity. Over ten thousand years ago, the Great Giants once roamed the land. Before all recorded history, the Elder Dragons roamed - whether before or during the time of the Giganticus Lupicus is still unknown. And over a thousand years ago, before the exodus, the human gods lived in the continent of Tyria. Throughout the ages, the continent has changed - from seas turning to deserts, to sinking kingdoms and scorching lands, to flooding cities, and to deserts turning green by diverted rivers - and may continue to change.

Heart of Maguuma

Heart of Maguuma is an area west of the Tarnished Coast, just beyond Rata Sum. It contains the thickest forested parts of the Maguuma Jungle and is the longtime home of the Quetzal tengu and Itzel hylek who still live there today. In the past 200 years, it has seen the emergence of new groups and species to its local inhabitants, such as the Exalted, Nuhoch hylek, and Chak. It was also once the home of druids and the asuran city of Rata Novus. In the past couple years, it has largely become overgrown by Mordremoth's corruption and minions.
Malyck, a sylvari that was not born from the Pale Tree, originated from the direction of Magus Falls, indicating a second 'Pale Tree' in the region. So far no evidence of Malyck's tree has been found, though there are five Blighting Trees seen, and given the description for Malyck's tree's location it is possible that it is east of Tangled Depths.

Dragon's Stand

The Dragon's Stand is an explorable zone located to the south of the Tangled Depths. It is the deepest part of the Heart of Maguuma region. The Pact have set up a base on the outskirts, ready to engage in a zone-wide push into the Dragon's Domain. They face heavy resistance from swarms of Mordrem, elite Commanders, and the Mouth of Mordremoth, the Elder Dragon's physical form.

Tangled Depths

The Tangled Depths are a zone in the Heart of Maguuma and features the roots of the jungle, one of the 3 main biomes that make up the zones in the Heart of Maguuma. The main enemies encountered here are the Chak, insect creatures with an affinity for ley-line energy. It is also home to the Nuhoch hylek tribe, and the location of the lost asuran city of Rata Novus.

The area contains many Nuhoch Wallows that allow fast travel like Skritt Holes, but they require the Nuhoch Wallows mastery.

This zone also contains deep, water filled tunnels spread around under the map called The Depths. These passageways can be accessed at various points throughout the map by means of large sinkholes. Certain areas of The Depths are shrouded in darkness, containing unavoidable fish that will quickly kill travellers unless they have interacted with an Exalted Beacon.

Auric Basin

The Auric Basin is a zone in the Heart of Maguuma. At the center of the map is the golden city of Tarir, home to the Exalted. These magical beings are sworn to protect Glint's legacy, and stand with the Pact against the encroaching threat of Mordremoth.

Outside the city are four camps, Northwatch, Eastwatch, Southwatch, and Westwatch. The Exalted are under attack in all directions from the Mordrem, and the meta events revolve around building up these outposts, charging magical pylons, and retrieving enchanted armor. These culminate with the defense of Tarir from the Mordrem Octovine.

Exalted masteries are particularly useful here as they allow for navigation using the Exalted portals. Nuhoch Wallows are also usable to quickly cross the map.

Verdant Brink

The Verdant Brink is the first major zone players enter in the Heart of Thorns expansion pack, and is the entrance to the Heart of Maguuma region. The aftermath of the Pact's disastrous assault on Mordremoth is most visible here, with massive vines and still-burning airship wreckage strewn across the landscape. The local Itzel hylek have made fast friends of the newcomers, and will accept Airship Parts for unique and valuable supplies.

To secure the area, pockets of Pact survivors and the Itzel tribe can be assisted in their survival against the Mordrem. In the daytime, each outpost needs help in gathering survivors and assembling defenses. During the night, the Mordrem attack in full force, creating a zone-wide battleground to hold rally points and recover supplies. Towards the end of the night, powerful Mordrem lieutenants take residence in the canopy of Verdant Brink, and must be brought down.

Bitterfrost Frontier

The Bitterfrost Frontier is a zone in the Far Shiverpeaks. A frozen and desolate area, this is the front line against the icebrood of Jormag. They are held back by the combined forces of kodan and quaggans of the Sorrow's Eclipse Sanctuary, with occasional support from a local grawl tribe. These kodan have been blessed with the spirit of fire, and will teach visitors about Koda's Flame, its legacy and how to wield it as a weapon.

Ember Bay

Ember Bay is a zone in the Ring of Fire Islands. Primordus has made his way to the region, bringing with him a new swarm of Destroyers enhanced with both death and plant magic. In response, the asura have sent research and investigation teams via their gates at Rata Novus. Other denizens of the area include a marooned human carnival troupe, a scratch of pirate skritt, and the jade construct guardians of an ancient mursaat fortress.
The zone uses a modified version of renown hearts, which reset daily and can be re-completed for further rewards. Ember Bay also features Thermal Tubes, which require the new Thermal Propulsion mastery and blasts users to a location a large distance away.

Bloodstone Fen

The Bloodstone Fen is a zone in the Heart of Maguuma, and the location of the Maguuma Jungle Bloodstone. The White Mantle has been active here since their exile from Kryta, studying the Bloodstone's properties and how to harness its power. Years of tampering with the Bloodstone have caused it to explode, devastating the surrounding area and leaving orbs of Unbound Magic suspended in the air.

The majority of the White Mantle and Pact personnel who survived the explosion have been driven mad, hungering for Bloodstone magic. The souls of humans sacrificed atop the Bloodstone have been freed and haunt the area as restless spirits, most notably the dangerous Justiciar Hablion. The White Mantle have also managed to take control of jade constructs, which are periodically brought into Bloodstone Maw to gather any lingering energy.

While in the Bloodstone Fen, players have access to special skills usable while gliding, channelling ambient magic to attack foes and maneuver while airborne.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Wintersday 2016 is Coming!

Scarlet Briar

The Origins of Madness

Ceara emerged from the Dream of Dreams in 1304 AE in the Cycle of Noon with an innate fascination with the interlocking systems of nature, and a determination to forge her own path independent from the Mother Tree. When the rules of the world prescribed her one destiny, she would simply change the rules rather than struggle against them. After her birth, Ceara began experiencing terrors nightly, and the menders were unable to help her. In her journal, she writes of a sea of darkness, and an "entity" that calls to her in her nightmares. She became too scared to even sleep, and spoke of whispers coming from the forest, taunting and possessing her, and one day, after succumbing to sleep, witnessed the entity directly. It communicated images of "death, destruction, and destiny" to her, but despite this, Ceara gained a new fearlessness and deigned to learn more, to confront this entity and put an end to the madness.

After eight years studying in the Grove, Ceara set out into the world to learn the engineering secrets of the other races and incorporate their knowledge into her own. She spent a winter learning metallurgy as an apprentice of Beigarth the Smith, before moving on to spend two years studing firearms and artillery with the Iron Legion gladium Asagai. Ceara left the Black Citadel for Rata Sum, where she excelled in the colleges of the asura in Dynamics and Statics. She completed a special study to prove she could handle the college's coursework in under a year, as the highest-ranked member of her class. It was the College of Synergetics, under the tutelage of Headmaster Omadd, with which she took her time, becoming fascinated with the idea of the Eternal Alchemy and believing it to be something to be mastered rather than simply understood.

Ceara's ideas were understandably unpopular with the colleges of the Arcane Council, but very much in line with the ideology of the Inquest. She spent a brief time with them, but was ejected from Rata Sum after she and Teyo were found meddling with designs in the city's archives. After several months of wandering, she settled in the Michoan Marsh and studied the alchemy of the hylek, until she was again found by Omadd. Omadd offered her the chance to take part in an experiment, a mind-opening device (according to Ceara's personal journal), that he claimed would allow her to see into the Eternal Alchemy itself, but could not make any promises regarding her safety or her sanity.

After months of preparation, the experiment was ready to begin. Its purpose was to shut down the mind's security system and open it to the truths of the Eternal Alchemy. Ceara entered the tank, a sensory deprivation chamber where she saw visions of what she believed to be the Alchemy. She saw Tyria and the Mists; she saw the insurmountable challenge of the future and her people's part in it—the sylvari of the tree and the Nightmare Court, Caithe and Faolain—all part of a grand design. And then, for the first time in years, she heard the voice of the Pale Tree, begging her to go no further. After a moment's hesitation, Ceara pressed on, and her sanity was broken. It is not clear what exactly she saw in the tank, but it is clear that when she looked across the open threshold in her mind, something looked back. Vorpp has speculated that since the only things that were in the chamber were the things that she had brought herself, she must have been exposed to a part of her psyche that had been walled-off, perhaps for her own protection, but also that further study of the Sylvari dream was necessary before any more detailed conclusions could be drawn. Upon emerging she killed Omadd and took a new name, after the red thorned vine she'd seen choking the Pale Tree in her vision, ready to burn the world.

Probing Tyria

At some later point, Scarlet was known to have worked with the Inquest at the Thaumanova Reactor, researching dragon energy and the ley lines that channel it across the globe. The Reactor itself was built on an intersection of these ley lines, and self-destructed, littering much of Metrica Province with the fallout. Around this time, steam creatures began appearing in Lornar's Pass, sharing many of the hallmarks of Scarlet's designs (although this was not known then).

A year later in, early 1326 AE, Scarlet, with the help of a "fast-talking, silver-tongued, snaked-nosed trickster from the city" convinced the Flame Legion and dredge to join forces to form a Molten Alliance. With them, she developed hybrid sonic and magic weaponry and technology, and a means of probing the ley lines that run deep beneath Tyria. She brought the Inquest and a group of pirates together to form the Aetherblades, a crew of sky pirates fitting for a fleet of stolen Pact airships, and attacked the Dragon Bash in Lion's Arch, killing Councillor Theo Ashford in the process. Scarlet attempted to put one of her own, Mai Trin on the Captain's Council, but Trin was discovered and apprehended before this was possible. Later that year, the Aetherblades attacked the Queen's Jubilee and hijacked Queen Jennah's new Watchknights, which were partially based on the steam creatures. Between the Watchknights and the Aetherblades, Scarlet was beginning to build a respectable army of her own, and after putting her Aetherblades to work in Twilight Arbor, an expanded fleet of airships with which to deliver them.

Her schemes hit new levels of audaciousness towards the end of the year, where she unified the krait and a splinter faction of the Nightmare Court to form the Toxic Alliance, to whom she promised an audience with a krait Prophet. They built a living Tower of Nightmares to rival the Pale Tree itself in Kessex Hills, which stood for over a month against a siege by the Vigil, before an antitoxin for the tower's poison could be developed. After the antitoxin was injected into the heart of the tower and the poison destroyed, samples of the toxin were found that were resistant to any antidote, indicating that the toxin had since been strengthened to be resistant to antidote, and that it had a future in Scarlet's plans. Around this time, Scarlet scattered energy probes across the continent, attempting to hone in on some sort of magical location, an intersection of ley lines. Whilst she was testing her most powerful weapon yet, the aethercannon, the probe in Old Lion's Arch lit up—Scarlet had found her target.

The Battle of Lion's Arch

Only a couple of weeks later, all of Scarlet's forces converged on Lion's Arch, razing the city as Scarlet's massive airship-drill, the Breachmaker, descended on the ruins, boring into the earth toward the intersection of ley lines beneath the city, as her forces deployed a deadly miasma. After a few weeks of confusion, the Lionguard as well as the Orders' forces were able to formulate a response, and stormed the city in an attempt to take it back. After defeating several of Scarlet's champions, the Lionguard forces managed to get aboard the Breachmaker and put an end to Scarlet. Her last words were "too late". As she died, the Breachmaker hit its mark and disrupted a ley line, sending a spike of magic from Lion's Arch, through the Thaumanova Reactor, and deeper into the Maguuma Jungle, waking the Elder Dragon Mordremoth.

Lion's Arch

Lion's Arch went through multiple changes over the years since its days as the capital of Kryta in the original Guild Wars to its current incarnation as a free city in Guild Wars 2.
In 1219 AE, the Elder Dragon Zhaitan woke from its slumber. The rising of Orr created a great flood which destroyed and completely submerged the old capitol. The ruins of Lion's Arch were utilized as a safe harbor by ships looking to escape the horrors of the sea.
A decade later, in 1230 AE, the wreckage of old Lion's Arch was slowly turned into a refuge for Corsairs and other pirates, smugglers, and other independent vessels. Shanty towns were created, and as the waters slowly receded, a settlement formed that owed no allegiance to Kryta. This settlement was unified by a human named Cobiah Marriner, who fought against the scourge of Orr alongside charr, asura, norn, and any other race that would lend their vessels to the cause. Out of that staunch and allied front, the city of Lion's Arch was reborn.
For generations, the people of Lion's Arch have been on the front line of the war with Zhaitan, the dragon of Orr. Their city was destroyed, only to be rebuilt in defiance of the dragon's power. The elite Lionguard have built a fortress on Claw Island, a small body of land in the harbor, in order to defend against Zhaitan's attacks. No ship sails from their docks without a wary eye south toward the dark waters of the undead. They live each day with the knowledge that they are a bastion against the destruction that the Dragon would bring—regardless of whether or not the other nations of the world recognize, or care about, their ongoing struggle.
Lion's Arch is run by the Captain's Council, a committee of wealthy merchants and sea captains. Those who wish to take an active hand in the city's governance must prove themselves regardless of their race and heritage. They must be respected as a noted ship commander, and they must have contributed to the city's growth or health. If they are seen as a leader in the city, then they may purchase one of the seats on the Captain's Council—when one becomes available. This system of political governance leads to a great deal of one-upmanship among the local captains and on the council itself.
Battle for Lion's Arch
In 1327 AE, after months of preparation, the arch-villain Scarlet Briar descended on Lion's Arch with all of her deadly forces. The city was razed and the smoldering husk of the proud port city was occupied, and it was weeks before the siege was broken. After days of battle, Scarlet was slain in the skies above the city aboard her airship, the Breachmaker.
Word of Scarlet's demise has spread like wildfire throughout the wards of the city. With renewed vigor, the heroes of Lion's Arch, the Lionguard, and Order forces have driven out the remainder of Scarlet's armies, their morale and ranks shattered. Cheers and celebrations erupted at the refugee camps and nigh across all of Tyria. All the while, the Breachmaker—the enormous airship looming over Sanctum Harbor—continued to drill uncontrollably before it mysteriously exploded a few days after hitting a magical leyline which was Scarlet's target. The resulting blast caused the pieces of the Breachmaker to be flung out across the city—mostly concentrated around the harbor but with debris landing as far out as the Farshore Ward and scarring the landscape. With the pieces being so immensely large, the resultant rebuilding of Lion's Arch was taking place around these seemingly immovable chunks of metal.
New Lion's Arch
Lion's Arch finished its rebuild in 1328 AE. Parts of the Breachmaker were molded into new metal used to build several new structures, such as an aerodrome, a fortress, turrets, a new harbor with a shipyard amongst others. Several points of interest also had their names modified or replaced. The previously destroyed waypoint in Fort Marriner was restored and is now usable. Many NPCs and services were moved including those for Guilds that are now at Guild Initiative Headquarters.

Mad King's Story

     As a young man, Prince Oswald was a prolific prankster and troublemaker, and was responsible for the deaths of both Serene and Samson through negligence, but as a second son he was not expected to ascend to the throne. Nevertheless he schemed his way to the throne, murdering his well-liked elder brother Prince Ewan and later, his father (but not before taking his brother's betrothed, Lady Lyrica, as his wife, and having her assassinated).

The reign of King Thorn was nasty, brutish, and short. His first act as king was to execute Lord Humphrey Faren for accusing him of murdering his father, declaring all traitors would be punished without delay. Early in his reign, Krytan King Thorn proposed a treaty to the centauran tribes, but the centaurs rejected its terms as unfavorable. Later, famine and drought struck Kryta, but the high taxes drove some peasants to theft and others to starvation. King Thorn rounded up all citizens who were even suspected of theft and cut off their hands. He kidnapped the father of the Istani Princess Zola and ransomed him for her hand in marriage, but had her executed when he grew tired of her, sparking a war with Istan (in which Kryta was ultimately victorious).

He had eight wives in total; the other known wives include Estrella, who was killed by Oswald when he put her in a coffin full of rats and dumped it into the sea, and Henrietta, who was killed by his heir, Prince Edrick. There was also Edrick's mother, whose name is still unknown, who was beheaded on his birthday. Oswald viewed his son to be a disappointment, and after a failed coup attempt on the final night of his rule, stuffed his son's mouth with candy corn and had him locked in the Shell of Insanity.

His tyranny came to an end in approximately 825 AE when an angry mob stormed Castle Thorn, ending his earthly rule. The rebels intended to kill his eighth wife and son as well during the assault, ending the Thorn dynasty, and beseech his cousin to take the throne and plead forgiveness. Worried that he would try to return using his magic, his killers hid his body parts in boxes and buried them in locations scattered across Tyria, obscuring their locations with magical seals.

Although unable to return to Tyria due to the seals (except at Halloween, at which he would make an annual appearance), Thorn rose to notoriety within the Underworld, coming to rule a sub-realm of his own. In 1079 AE, the ascension of Queen Salma to the throne of Kryta broke one of the seals, and his Lunatic Court set about attempting to break the rest of them, so that he may be as powerful in Tyria as he was in the Underworld. A selection of artifacts from his life was gathered, and a suitable vessel for his spirit was obtained from a mausoleum. The political climate was also prepared for his return, inciting his arch-rival Palawa Joko into swearing to "flood valleys and enslave nations" to get his vengeance on Tyria, and defeating the only being capable of telling as good a joke as the Mad King, Qwytzylkak. But the rituals had not freed King Thorn but his favored steed, Mister Gum Drops, and the Lunatic Court returned to the drawing board chastened.

After his court's failure, the Mad King's presence influence was not felt for a long time, and he became a folklore used to scare children. However, in 1325 AE, over two centuries after his court's failure, the Mad King made a dramatic return, shattering the Lion's Court in the Grand Piazza of Lion's Arch and assaulting the citizens with insidious pranks and terrible jokes, attempting to break free into Tyria. His return was opposed by Magister Tassi, and foiled by heroes who ventured straight into the Mad King's realm, defeating him in his own game as well as in battle. Halloween is a special holiday event celebrated annually in the world of Tyria. Halloween 2012 was the first such event. There are many adventures in the great city Lion's Arch, like Clock Tower, Labyrinth, Ascent to Madness, Mad King Says, Lunatic Inquisition and Reaper's Rumble. Some of the adventures are locked in different year, and it can't be reached. Reaper's Rumble is just released as adventure in the first year, when Halloween was released as event, and it isn't released anymore. Clock Tower, Labyrinth and Mad King Says, are always released as adventures (every year).