Elder Dragons, which have a lot of power, can't be learned to max. Asuras, who are studying the Elder Dragon's powers, know a lot about that already.
-Let's talk about Zhaitan, old dragon, locked in depths of Orr, he was awakened from "Undead". Hard to kill, but.. lets talk about power. Zhaitan has power of Death and Shadow. Power of Death, makes him to control Humans, Asuras, Sylvaris, and all races, after they die. He take most of the minions from controlling dead races before he was awakened. Millions of people were Zhaitan's Minions. Power of Shadow, shadow gives him might, powerful power which only Dragon's can control it
-Mordremoth, Dragon of Plant and Mind, he take his minions through Mind, most of them were sylvaris, because they were weak on Mordremoth's call. But, Dragons have "other" powers, we we talk about them at end. Power of Plant.. its power of jungle, which he can control all plants in Maguuma.
Now, Jormag. Jormag is dragon from Ice, he lives in Far Shiverpeaks, which is very cold. Jormag is attacking the Norns, Norns are trying to keep Jormag away, but Jormag its too powerful. Jormag awakens in Far Shiverpeaks then he go south. Power of Ice, which can "control" Sons of Svanirs, and live in coldness. But no one knows his second power.
Primordus, dragon of first awakened dragon in tyria, Dragon of Fire. Fire has power to make his minions and "control" lava and fire. Primordus "makes" his powerful minions, which are destroying the surface of tyria.
And the last one, Kralkatorrik. Powerful Dragon which has power of crystals, which is making minions, and control crystals on his body to make clouds in sky, Kralkatorrik take his name from the volcano Krakatoa.
Glint, none of the online players know much about glint, but we know his descendant, Aurene, which lives in Forgotten City of Tarir. Glint is x20 smaller then Kralkatorrik. And no one knows about his power... Maybe, there are books in Divinity's Reach and other libraryes.
So. Taimi, genous, Asura, which knows that: Elders Dragons when die, like Zhaitan, gives his power to other Dragons, like.. Zhaitan gives power of Dead and Shadow to all dragons, so Mordremoth take minions from Dead Sylvaris. Now Zhaitan's and Mordremoth's powers belong to alive dragons. So, the point is, when some dragon die, all power splits to other dragons equal, and making more powerful minions, and dragon itself.
One dragon, which all believes his name is Kekai Kotaki, Deep Sea Dragon, which is not found, and its not still awakened. We just know that he lives in deep waters, and all believes that his name is Kekai Kotaki, but dwarfs thinks different. History of that dragon was burned, the book of "Kekai Kotaki". So no one know him.
Now, names of every dragon's minions:
Mordremoth - Mordrems
Zhaitan - Undead
Jormag - Icebrood
Primordus - Destroyers
Kralkatorrik - Branded
Kekai Kotaki - All believes that are Kraits.
The Elder Dragons are ancient, powerful beings of unknown origins. They keep the magic balanced by consuming it and drawing it into themselves; though indications show that this isn't their goal or intention, but rather a side-effect of how they function. Every several thousand years (roughly 10,000 years according to the Durmand Priory), the dragons wake and consume everything in the world, thereby reducing the world to a low level of magic, before going back to sleep. Then the magic they have consumed bleeds out into the world, harmless unlike when they're awake, only for the dragons to eventually awaken once more and the cycle to begin again.
The currently unnamed Elder Dragon is the sixth and only Elder Dragon to not be named or have its influence shown. The Durmand Priory believe its name begins with an S, however the old texts that list the Elder Dragons' names were damaged when naming this dragon, and translation is subjective due to its age. The deep sea dragon is said to have woken in the deepest location of the seas, though where this would be remains unknown.
This particular Elder Dragon does not have a major known influence on the world of Tyria, and no direct influence on the continent of Tyria, which accounts for the lack of information regarding the subject. However, the deep sea dragon is known to be somewhere in the Unending Ocean. The first known influence of the deep sea dragon is roughly around 1275 AE, when it forced the krait out of the Unending Ocean's deepest trenches, which in turn forced the southern quaggans out of their home in the ocean depths, among other creatures. Though according to Bullablopp, some southern quaggan were not forced out by the krait but by dragons. Furthermore, the karka are said to have "avoided Orr for the same reasons they fled their home" in the Unending Ocean's depths.
The only known shape of the deep sea dragon's corruption comes from The Movement of the World, claiming that it twists water into tentacled horrors; some quaggan and largos also make mention of horrors belonging in the ocean's depths now as well, though the nature of these "horrors" is unclear. The Movement of the World also says that through its powers, it has been creating servants from every lake and river around its location.
Primordus was the first of the Elder Dragons to awaken in Tyria. Primordus' original resting place was in a cavern deep underground, where it was assumed by the asura to simply be a statue emitting a high amount of magical energy. For this reason, they built the Central Transfer Chamber near the dragon. Primordus was initially supposed to awaken in 1078 AE, but upon the defeat of its most powerful general, the Great Destroyer, its awakening was delayed by two generations, until 1120 AE. After its rise, the other Elder Dragons began to stir, one by one.

After its awakening, its minions, the destroyers, flooded the Depths of Tyria, crushing any hopes the asura had of returning to their natural home. Around the time of Primordus' full awakening, the last of the dwarves had undergone the Rite of the Great Dwarf and they all went underground to combat Primordus and the destroyers. Those that remain are said to stand watch at entrances to the Depths, ensuring that Primordus' minions never reach the surface, nonetheless Ogden Stonehealer is the only dwarf who is known to the surface world. However, in recent years destroyers have been appearing closer and through the surface in increasing rates.
Jormag is the Elder Ice Dragon who lives in the northern reaches of the Shiverpeak Mountains. As early as 1078 AE Jormag was influencing Tyria. Through its champion Drakkar, it whispered promises of power to Svanir and turned him into yet another of its champions, the Nornbear; this was the first of Jormag's champions to be identified as such. Jormag also robbed Svanir's sister, Jora, of her ability to Become the Bear. Since Svanir, there has been a cult of norn known as the Sons of Svanir, who worship Jormag as the strongest Spirit of the Wild, referring to it simply as Dragon. Over the years, Jormag drew on their powers and hastened its own awakening.

Jormag awoke in the lands beyond the Far Shiverpeaks in 1165 AE and moved south, causing the kodan to flee the icy seas and battling the norn inhabitants there. The dragon's rise caused earthquakes that cracked and shattered the northernmost lands, allowing the icy northern ocean to flood through and create new, inland seas. This new inland sea is now inhabited by some refugee kodan Sanctuaries which fled south as they were harried by the Claws of Jormag, while Jormag capsized and tore apart many other of the kodan's iceberg cities in the northern ocean.
Glint, once known as Glaust, was a champion of the Elder Dragon Kralkatorrik. She was, until recently, a friend to all living things. When the Dragons last awoke, the Forgotten discovered and performed a great spell at the Altar of Glaust intended to purify her. Glint remained in crystalline form, but she regained her free will. She remained loyal to Kralkatorrik, however, until she heard his thoughts and the thoughts of those she killed. She then concealed many of the elder races from the Elder Dragons until they went to sleep and it was safe for the races to reemerge. It was presumably around this time that a group of grateful dwarves formed the Brotherhood of the Dragon, an organization that served as the keepers of her heritage. They forged an alliance with her, and let her into their minds.

In the time when the Elder Dragons slept, Glint secretly worked to prepare for her former master's eventual return by collecting his crystallized blood and retaining a spear made from his spine. In approximately 272 AE, she compiled the Flameseeker Prophecies, foretelling the defeat of Vizier Khilbron and the fall of the titan and mursaat. In 1072 AE, this came to pass, and it was Glint who guided the Ascendant heroes who were the prophecies' subjects to their destiny. After the Transformation of the Dwarves, Glint's guardianship was passed down to a secretive group of Canthans and Elonians who would later become known as the Zephyrites.
In 1320 AE, Kralkatorrik awoke once more, seeking out Glint for her betrayal. He hunted her down and killed her, and even Destiny's Edge could not protect her, losing Snaff in the attempt. After her death, the Zephyrites sought out her corpse in order to ensure that the draconic energy stored within her body would not fall into the wrong hands. They found that with magic from her body, they were able to harness the power of the Aspects of Sun, Wind, and Lightning. Using these Aspects, they built a magnificent Zephyr Sanctum, and with it they roam the world in peace.
Kralkatorrik is the Elder Crystal Dragon. It is a thousand feet tall and its wingspan easily blocks out the sun, and is described as being about 20 times larger than Glint. It has the power to corrupt anything physical with its breath, turning them into branded. The dragon awoke in 1320 AE in Grothmar Wardowns within the Blood Legion Homelands, where it was once believed to be a mountain; then flew south over the charr territory of Ascalon, with the goal of hunting down its traitorous champion, Glint.
When Kralkatorrik flew, a terrible storm of black clouds and lightning was formed around its body. The lands that were touched by its golden breath during its flight turned black, now called the Dragonbrand; the plants, animals, and even elementals turned into branded - crystalline lifeforms, shadows of their former selves. When Kralkatorrik reached Glint's sanctuary, it fought with Destiny's Edge, and was nearly defeated. However, due to Logan Thackeray's sudden departure to save Queen Jennah at the Stronghold of Ebonhawke, which was assaulted by the newly formed branded at the time, Kralkatorrik was able to escape after killing Glint and Snaff.
Kralkatorrik was last seen in the northern Crystal Desert, and still has a presence in the area, though it is unknown where it fled after escaping Destiny's Edge. It is also one of the forces preventing movement into Elona for all except the Order of Whispers.
It is often referred to as both a hurricane and sandstorm. It has the ability to create and even become the latter.